America's Favorite Cookie Bouquet
$120.0051% offAsk about anyone who loves cookies what is their favorite and OREO is right there on top. We’ve designed this cookie bouquet using only America’s favorite the Oreo cookie. This cookie bouquet gift is perfect for children thru grandparents, offices to dorm rooms and if you can’t find someone to send it to remember your own address! We can’t send the glass of cold milk for dunking, but we can send your gift message so they know who’s thinking of them!Bouquet Details:
Bouquet includes 13-16 Packages of Oreo's
An assortment of Oreo Cookies.
Each gift is designed at the time of your order to ensure the freshest gift possible!
Gift Size 14” x 11” x 6”
Dim Weight 14 lbs. (16x13x9)
Buzzing Gifts: Home of lovely gifts to put a smile on the face of your loved ones.
11510 Homestead Rd Suite 295, Houston 77016 TX 73301
Phone: (832) 434-1020
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